I've just met Edi Gathegi! :D
I'm so happy right now! Guess what! Me and my friend Marisa was on the "Stockholms mässa/Sci-fy mässa" in Älvsjö today.
Edi Gathegi - who is in Sweden for a couple of days(?) - was there and he was writing autografs! X3 Marisa got there befor me and got her autograf first. When I got there, Edi was having lunch, so we had to wait a little. When he finally came back I took out my Eclipse book.
(since I was at a sleep-over before, I didn't have anything for him to write on, so I just took my eclipse book. That was the oly thing I had with me). Marisa had already gotten her autograf, but she came with me anyway...
When it was my turn, this was the convesation we had:
Edi: Hello! *a big smile on his face*
Edi: What's you're name?
Me: Christina. With a "C".
Edi: Hi, Christina!
- I handed him my Eclipse book and... -
Me: I know you're not even in Eclipse but...
Edi: *laughing a little* OH! You know I can't write in this book! Laurent isn't even in it. I get killed in New Moon. Have you read it?
- (of course he said it in a "joking way") -
Me: Yes! Of course.
Edi: I'm a little offended here! *smiling again*
Me: *laughing with him*
Edi: Can't you take a picture? *pointing on the pic's on the table in front of him*
Me: Hmmm... Okey! *smiling*
- I chose a picture with him, Rachelle Lefevre(Victoria) and Cam Gigandet(James) in the baseball field -
Edi wrote "Christina..." and his autograf, and then:
"XO with love!"

Just after we said goodbye and were just about to go,
Marisa said: Can I just shake you're hand!? :D *enthousiastic*
Edi: Sure! *smiling, and taking her hand*
Me: Me too! *shook his hand*
Me and friend: *Smiling, laughing, jumping and talking incoherently :D*
One of the best parts was that he wrote "XO!" to everybody else. But to me he wrote "XO! With love"! I know, I know! I'm a dork! But I can't help it. I just can't stop thinking about it! xD
I'm so happy right now! Guess what! Me and my friend Marisa was on the "Stockholms mässa/Sci-fy mässa" in Älvsjö today.
Edi Gathegi - who is in Sweden for a couple of days(?) - was there and he was writing autografs! X3 Marisa got there befor me and got her autograf first. When I got there, Edi was having lunch, so we had to wait a little. When he finally came back I took out my Eclipse book.
(since I was at a sleep-over before, I didn't have anything for him to write on, so I just took my eclipse book. That was the oly thing I had with me). Marisa had already gotten her autograf, but she came with me anyway...
When it was my turn, this was the convesation we had:
Edi: Hello! *a big smile on his face*
Edi: What's you're name?
Me: Christina. With a "C".
Edi: Hi, Christina!
- I handed him my Eclipse book and... -
Me: I know you're not even in Eclipse but...
Edi: *laughing a little* OH! You know I can't write in this book! Laurent isn't even in it. I get killed in New Moon. Have you read it?
- (of course he said it in a "joking way") -
Me: Yes! Of course.
Edi: I'm a little offended here! *smiling again*
Me: *laughing with him*
Edi: Can't you take a picture? *pointing on the pic's on the table in front of him*
Me: Hmmm... Okey! *smiling*
- I chose a picture with him, Rachelle Lefevre(Victoria) and Cam Gigandet(James) in the baseball field -
Edi wrote "Christina..." and his autograf, and then:
"XO with love!"

Just after we said goodbye and were just about to go,
Marisa said: Can I just shake you're hand!? :D *enthousiastic*
Edi: Sure! *smiling, and taking her hand*
Me: Me too! *shook his hand*
Me and friend: *Smiling, laughing, jumping and talking incoherently :D*
One of the best parts was that he wrote "XO!" to everybody else. But to me he wrote "XO! With love"! I know, I know! I'm a dork! But I can't help it. I just can't stop thinking about it! xD
Rob in remember me; I WANT TO SEE!
I really would like to see this movie, and I hope it will come out on cinema's in Sweden too!
I'm sure you all have alredy seen the trailer, but I'll put it up anyway! X3
By the way...
Here is a cute picture i found on Taytay! ;)