I've just met Edi Gathegi! :D

I'm so happy right now! Guess what! Me and my friend Marisa was on the "Stockholms mässa/Sci-fy mässa" in Älvsjö today.
Edi Gathegi - who is in Sweden for a couple of days(?) - was there and he was writing autografs! X3 Marisa got there befor me and got her autograf first. When I got there, Edi was having lunch, so we had to wait a little. When he finally came back I took out my Eclipse book.
(since I was at a sleep-over before, I didn't have anything for him to write on, so I just took my eclipse book. That was the oly thing I had with me). Marisa had already gotten her autograf, but she came with me anyway...
When it was my turn, this was the convesation we had:

Hello! *a big smile on his face*
Edi: What's you're name?
Me: Christina. With a "C".
Edi: Hi, Christina!

- I handed him my Eclipse book and... -

Me: I know you're not even in Eclipse but...
Edi: *laughing a little* OH! You know I can't write in this book! Laurent isn't even in it. I get killed in New Moon. Have you read it?

- (of course he said it in a "joking way") -

Me: Yes! Of course.
Edi: I'm a little offended here! *smiling again*
Me: *laughing with him*
Edi: Can't you take a picture? *pointing on the pic's on the table in front of him*
Me: Hmmm... Okey! *smiling*

- I chose a picture with him, Rachelle Lefevre(Victoria) and Cam Gigandet(James) in the baseball field -

Edi wrote "Christina..." and his autograf, and then:
"XO with love!"

Just after we said goodbye and were just about to go,

Marisa said
: Can I just shake you're hand!? :D *enthousiastic*
Edi: Sure! *smiling, and taking her hand*
Me: Me too! *shook his hand*
Me and friend: *Smiling, laughing, jumping and talking incoherently :D*

One of the best parts was that he wrote "XO!" to everybody else. But to me he wrote "XO! With love"! I know, I know! I'm a dork! But I can't help it. I just can't stop thinking about it! xD

Postat av: Before29

fan va kul inlägg ;)

2009-12-27 @ 17:13:19
URL: http://lineen.blogg.se/

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