New Moon breaks sales record!
Yes, you heard right!
As I think almost every Twi-fan allready knew - dep inside themselfs - New Moon broke the record of having the biggest number ever on the first day! They earned 72.7 million dollars on just one day... And thats only in America and Canada.
They bet "The Dark Night" witch had a $62.2 million opening day last year, and I'm pretty sure they could take home The best opening weekend of $158.4 million dollars too! Witch is also held by "The Dark Night".
I am just loving this xD
New Moon really deserve all the publicity and excitement. Really, I loved the movie!
I am sure I'm going to see the movie again soon. Probably within a couple of days... as soon as possible! ♥
And just so you know, usually I never go see a movie twice on cinema. I think it's a waste of money, so I always wait till it comes out on DVD. But now - when it comes to the Twilight movies... I could probably see it 10 times! :D
How many times are you going to see the movie on cinema?
New Moon related video's
Taylor Lautner talkes about the premier of "New Moon" on The Jimmy Fallon Show! Really funny xD
Vanity Fair interviewing the cast of New Moon.
New Moon fever!
OK! Let's review, shall we!?
As I have been talking about for a while now, me and my friends saw the preview of New Moon on cinema yesterday
(or shall I say today? We saw it at 00.00, midnight, so the day actually past when we saw New Moon).
I LOVED IT! I thought it was sooo much better than Twilight! It was exactly the way I expected it to be!! :D
But there are a lot of people who thinks that New Moon could have been better. I think that's bullshit!
I read a magazine today, and there was an article about New Moon.
Here are a quote from that article:
"Much in New Moon feels dramaticly over the top, the dialogs feels partly embarrassing, comedy appears where there shouldn't be any - and the lovestory in general feels a little pubertal... New Moon is just not as good as Twilight."
Anyway, who care's what they think!(?) I loved New Moon and that's the most important part!
I loved the scene when Bella and Jacob nerly kissed. In the book there lips never tuch, but in the movie they actually does, and they look so cute together! ♥
I forgot to take pictures, good thing Racel took her camera with her!
After the movie! It's like 2 o'clock at night...
Haha, we're just goofing off! xD
(That was before we got to the cinema)
This is what I brought and bought at the movie!
I brought this from home...
And I bought this at the cinema!
(exept for the ticket, of course)
I know that there's no popcorn and cocca cola left, but I forgot to take this pic's befor I got home -.-
I also know, that the quality on the pic's aren't the best, but I can't do anything about it. Have already edited them once!
The ticket! :)
I'm thinking about making a list about how the "New Moon" movie was - no negativity. Only the good things! - But I don't know if i will...
Maby later! :)
♥ Anyway, now i'm going to read Eclipse a little befor I go to sleep! Good night! ♥
I've seen New Moon for the first time today!
I just got home, and I'm soooo tired! I will blog more tomorrow, but one thing I'll tell'ya!
New Moon ROCKS!
Catherine Hardwicke can kiss my a*, because Twilight was nothing compared to New Moon (the movie, not the book)!
I am so HAPPY right now!
Yay, New Moon TIME! :D
We're going to see the preview. 1 day befor the actual premier! As I have already mention, the friends that are joining me is Emma, Anna and Racel! The only problem is the stupid age limit on 15 years old. We are only 14! But I think and hope they won't notice...

So... This is how we've scheduled the day:
First we're going to school.
After school we're going home to me to pick up the tickets and drop of my bag. Then we're going home to Emma to drop of her bag and pick up her ticket... and a little money of course!
After the visit at Emmas, we're going back to Annas to eat dinner.
Then when it's time... Annas dad is going to drop us of at the cinema in Vällingby!
We are going to see Twilight first and then, New Moon. It's like a Twiligt+New Moon night! The movie starts around 9.00 pm and ends around 2.00 am! :P
Have a great day! I know I will! ;)
Taylor, Kristen and Robert on the cover of Entertainment
A nother New Moon trailer!
This was apparently taken down for a while but here it is again!
I can't belive how many trailer's they have done! ^^
The preview of New Moon, here I come!
We are going to be in Filmstaden (cinema in) Vällingby by 9 pm, and watch Twilight, and then, I don't no... 20(?), 25(?) or maby 30(?) minute after, we're going to watch FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! The Twiligth Saga New Moon! :D The whole event will last for 5 hours (to 2.00 am).
Only the fastest got the tickets and we're four of them! Did you now that in one cinema, the tickets got all sold out in less than a couple of hours.. :P
I'm so exited i'm like counting the minutes already!

My man! ;) ↑
The volturi fight. Exlusive!
They've changed this a little in the movie. In the book they never fight!
I guess it's more exciting this way...
Some New Moon pic's
I konw I've already show'n you some of this pictures before but... So what!(?) ;P
CUTE! ^^
Got this from TheTwilightBlog.
Scans from Empire Magazine
Article about New Moon and more...
Det kanske är svårt att läsa, men tyvär har jag ingen adress att länka er till det riktiga artickeln..
Draft: Okt. 4, 2009
I've just found scans in HQ from the set of New Moon!
This is pic's that pretty much never has been shown before :D
I got this from Ralphy 137 and I am soooo thankful for that. So thank you, thank you,thank you so much♥!
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What's with the dots(?) ;P
Haha, the embarassing cinema scene! ^^
♥Kristen, Stephanie and Taylor♥
On the motorcycle with Jacob. At Sam's.
In the meadow.
In Italy. Rosalie and Emmett.
Carlisle and Esme.
Of course there is more at the website I found all this on!
Check it out here.
I can't wait!!!
SNART ÄR DEN HÄR! Just 1 month and 18 days left now.
The premier of New Moon is so close that i'm actually getting goose bumps on my arms just thinking about it!
Jag har försökt fixa upp den här↑ i menyraden åt höger,
men jag fattar inte var jag ska klistra in koden som finns till den här :S
Jaja, får försöka ett tag till.. Eller typ fråga Marisa ( Hon har också en sån där på sin blogg.
Vet faktist inte varför jag satt in den här nedräknings grejen i ett inlägg(?)
Jag kommer snart göra ett riktigt inlägg också, men just nu ska jag försöka fixa upp den här jobbiga nedräkningsgrejen! ;P
Lots of love! (Specially to Taylor)
New Moon trailer #3
Här kommer den TREDJE trailern från ''The Twilight Saga New Moon''!
VISST ÄGDE DEN!?? Gud vad jag längtar♥
Om jag inte redan hade läst boken hade jag tyckt att dom kanske avslöjar lite för mycket.. Saker som inte äns står på baksidan av boken, och som man kanske vill bli överaskad över under själva filmens gång!
New Moon trailers
Take a good look at Taylor's abs ^^ *dreglar*
Detta är den nyaste ''#2'':an av trailern New Moon.
I början var det väldigt svårt att få tag på dom här videorna i bra kvalité och sånt. Eftersom dom inte ville att trailern skulle läcka ut, tog dom bort alla video klipp på denna trailern på hela You Tube och nästan alla andra sajter med. Men nu (igentligen för några dagar sen, men då hade jag ju inte bloggen) har den äntligen kommit ut och jag blir bara mer, och mer spänd över själva filmen! :D