Yay, New Moon TIME! :D

Yes, the time has come. Today me and my friends are going to see The Twilight Saga New Moon, for the absolute first time!
We're going to see the preview. 1 day befor the actual premier! As I have already mention, the friends that are joining me is Emma, Anna and Racel! The only problem is the stupid age limit on 15 years old. We are only 14! But I think and hope they won't notice...

So... This is how we've scheduled the day:
First we're going to school.
After school we're going home to me to pick up the tickets and drop of my bag. Then we're going home to Emma to drop of her bag and pick up her ticket... and a little money of course!
After the visit at Emmas, we're going back to Annas to eat dinner.
Then when it's time... Annas dad is going to drop us of at the cinema in Vällingby!

We are going to see Twilight first and then, New Moon. It's like a Twiligt+New Moon night! The movie starts around 9.00 pm and ends around 2.00 am! :P

Have a great day! I know I will! ;)


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