The first official Eclipse poster!

Yay! The first official Eclipse poster is here! Of course they will probably change this a little, since it's pretty simple now, and Robert and Kristen isn't even on it.... But you can still get a little mental picture of how it's going to turn out! Right!? :)
What do you think? I think it's really good so far! ♥
6/30 - 2010!
Not about Twilight, I know...
I'm a member on a website named and I just wanted to link this website:
On they help you find extra/walk-on jobs, or acting jobs!
I'm new with this website, but i know it's one of the best in Sweden, and I have big expectations! :)
Sorry for this unrelated info, but I promise, I have my reasons! ;)
Interview; Taylor Lautner
Found an interview with Taylor.
It's from Metro...
The interview took place on the set of New Moon. So it's a little old...
But so what(?) :)
My man ♥ :P
-How is it back on set?
It’s good. I’m really excited to be back with the whole team again and our new director, Chris Weitz. It’s been a lot of fun so far and the movie’s looking great, so I couldn’t ask for more.
-And you have a huge role this time…
It’s a little bit bigger, yeah! It’s exciting because I’m excited to bring alive the new Jacob Black for the fans.
-You look like an '80s rock star with your long hair!
Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. It’s an actual wig. It’s glued to my head in the front and it gets itchy sometimes. You can see the lace if you look close, but it doesn’t come across on camera. It gives me a totally different look. I don’t even look like myself. But it’s fun.
-The biggest change is in your body though. You gained 30 pounds of muscle for this role, is that right?
I did, yeah. When I was filming Twilight, I knew where my character was going in the rest of the series, so obviously I knew I had some work ahead of me! So as soon as I stopped filming Twilight, I got back home, hit the gym and worked very, very hard, and here I am filming New Moon, 30 pounds heavier.
-And doing your own stunts.
So far. Let’s not jinx it, but basically you get an evaluation at the beginning of filming. They took me to a gymnasium to see what I could do. They put me on some dirt bikes to see how well I can do. I think they’re just figuring out how much they’re actually going to allow me to do. So far, I’ve been able to do everything, so I’m hoping that doesn’t change too much, 'cause the stunts are a lot of fun.
-Did you have a trainer?
Yes, I did have a trainer that I used the whole time and I owe him a lot of thanks!
-How is it working with Chris Weitz?
Chris is amazing. He’s extremely talented and he’s done a lot of amazing work. Everything is looking fantastic so far for this and I know it’s gong to continue to. But at the same time, the set is so calm and relaxed and we’re just having a really great time. Sometimes you wonder, “How is he doing this? How is he creating this beautiful work and we’re just all having a blast doing it?” Chris has definitely taken control and he’s a blast to be around.
-What is the biggest challenge this time around?
It’s actually the same biggest challenge we had for the first one and it’s the weather. It’s really funny because I think the Twilight saga is the only movies where we have to stop filming when the sun comes out. So whenever it’s sunny, we have to either go to an interior shot or just stop filming.
-Let’s get to your character, Jacob. He is actually in love with Bella…
Jacob’s love for Bella is really intense. He will always be there for Bella, no matter what. Even if she’s with another guy… or a vampire!
-How did you prepare for your role?
I did a lot of study for the first film. Before I even started filming Twilight, I studied up on all of the Quileute tribes and legends and myths and everything about them. And when got up to Portland, Ore. to film, I was able to meet with about ten Quileute tribal members. I got to talk to them and what I really learned is that they’re not much different than me, and that was very unexpected.
-Do you ever discuss Jacob with Stephenie Meyer?
It’s really cool because she comes up here every once in a while for her favourite scenes. At the beginning of filming, she gives a list of her favourite scenes that she wants to be up here for. You've got the best person in the world to ask for advice. So if you have a question, you can just walk on over and ask her.
-What’s your most exciting scene in New Moon?
It’s so hard to choose. Like I said, I really enjoy the stunts so I had a lot of fun doing the dirt bike sequences. I got to hop on the bike and go really fast and come to a skidding stop. It’s really cool. And I also like a lot of the more serious scenes, the pivotal scenes in the movie, like Jacob and Bella’s breakup scene, which is the first time Bella sees Jacob after he has transformed into a wolf. And it’s really emotional. I felt bad for Jacob just reading the books, but now that I’m actually living this character, I feel so bad for the guy! It’s really sad.
-Is Jacob an outsider like Edward?
Yeah, I’d say a little bit. Jacob is a really interesting character because he definitely feels like an outsider because he doesn’t go to the same school as everybody else, he’s on the reservation. But Bella brings him out of that. Also, Jacob brings Bella out of this huge depression she’s in. She wants to kill herself, she’s so sad. Jacob is her sun. He brings her alive, out of this deep hole.
-Jacob likes Bella. Who kind of girl does Taylor like?
Somebody who can be themselves. Somebody who can just open up and be free and not try to be somebody different.
-Have you, Kristen and Rob become close?
Yeah, it’s a lot of fun. We all get along really well and I think definitely our chemistry offscreen is going to be transferred onscreen.
-What is a typical day on the set for you?
I have very early wake-up calls. I’m usually waking up at 4:30 or 5, and we don’t usually finish until about 5 or 6 at night. But we usually go out after, just explore the restaurants in town. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
-What do you do when you’re not on set?
Well, I’ve been so busy with the Twilight saga within the past year. It’s been crazy, but it’s been a lot of fun. We did tons of publicity. I got to travel to so many places in the world. I got to go to Australia, Tokyo… I got to go all over the place. So it’s been a lot of fun. It’s definitely keeping me busy though.
-Are you ready to change your life and not be able to walk in the street incognito?
I think so! I’m not sure yet!
-What would you be doing if you weren’t an actor?
I’d probably still be playing sports. I did football and baseball my whole life. I definitely like writing too and maybe I’d be trying to be getting in the directing field, but I’m glad that I’m an actor.
-Who are your favourite actors?
I really like Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.
-What about actresses?
It changed a lot. It used to be Jessica Alba for the longest time, and I’m kind of transferring to Megan Fox.
-All the hot babes!
Yeah, yeah, yeah! (Laughs)
-What kind of movies do you watch?
I’ll see a wide variety, but usually my favourites are action movies. I really like action drama movies. I like The Dark Knight, Iron Man, I like the Bourne series.
-Are you eventually looking for a role in an action movie?
Yeah, some day. I’d love to.
-Aren’t you involved in some sort of hip-hop performance art show?
No! That’s on some of my biographies. I need to get that off because I did it when I was 10 years old and I did it for about six months and I was done with it. And I can’t dance at all, so I need to clear that up!
So, there you have it :)
I could have just linked you to the website, but it's much more fun this way! ♥
But here you have Metros website anyway - incase you want it...
♦To get to the website, just click here!!♦
Lots of love, specially to Taylor!
Oh, no Rob. You didn't! :O
And what do you mean by calling them dorks!?
Haha, just so you know - I'm not serious! I know they're not actually fighting,
so don't think I'm a dramaqueen or something ^^
New Moon breaks sales record!
Yes, you heard right!
As I think almost every Twi-fan allready knew - dep inside themselfs - New Moon broke the record of having the biggest number ever on the first day! They earned 72.7 million dollars on just one day... And thats only in America and Canada.
They bet "The Dark Night" witch had a $62.2 million opening day last year, and I'm pretty sure they could take home The best opening weekend of $158.4 million dollars too! Witch is also held by "The Dark Night".
I am just loving this xD
New Moon really deserve all the publicity and excitement. Really, I loved the movie!
I am sure I'm going to see the movie again soon. Probably within a couple of days... as soon as possible! ♥
And just so you know, usually I never go see a movie twice on cinema. I think it's a waste of money, so I always wait till it comes out on DVD. But now - when it comes to the Twilight movies... I could probably see it 10 times! :D
How many times are you going to see the movie on cinema?
New Moon related video's
Taylor Lautner talkes about the premier of "New Moon" on The Jimmy Fallon Show! Really funny xD
Vanity Fair interviewing the cast of New Moon.
New Moon fever!
OK! Let's review, shall we!?
As I have been talking about for a while now, me and my friends saw the preview of New Moon on cinema yesterday
(or shall I say today? We saw it at 00.00, midnight, so the day actually past when we saw New Moon).
I LOVED IT! I thought it was sooo much better than Twilight! It was exactly the way I expected it to be!! :D
But there are a lot of people who thinks that New Moon could have been better. I think that's bullshit!
I read a magazine today, and there was an article about New Moon.
Here are a quote from that article:
"Much in New Moon feels dramaticly over the top, the dialogs feels partly embarrassing, comedy appears where there shouldn't be any - and the lovestory in general feels a little pubertal... New Moon is just not as good as Twilight."
Anyway, who care's what they think!(?) I loved New Moon and that's the most important part!
I loved the scene when Bella and Jacob nerly kissed. In the book there lips never tuch, but in the movie they actually does, and they look so cute together! ♥
I forgot to take pictures, good thing Racel took her camera with her!
After the movie! It's like 2 o'clock at night...
Haha, we're just goofing off! xD
(That was before we got to the cinema)
This is what I brought and bought at the movie!
I brought this from home...
And I bought this at the cinema!
(exept for the ticket, of course)
I know that there's no popcorn and cocca cola left, but I forgot to take this pic's befor I got home -.-
I also know, that the quality on the pic's aren't the best, but I can't do anything about it. Have already edited them once!
The ticket! :)
I'm thinking about making a list about how the "New Moon" movie was - no negativity. Only the good things! - But I don't know if i will...
Maby later! :)
♥ Anyway, now i'm going to read Eclipse a little befor I go to sleep! Good night! ♥
I've seen New Moon for the first time today!
I just got home, and I'm soooo tired! I will blog more tomorrow, but one thing I'll tell'ya!
New Moon ROCKS!
Catherine Hardwicke can kiss my a*, because Twilight was nothing compared to New Moon (the movie, not the book)!
I am so HAPPY right now!
Yay, New Moon TIME! :D
We're going to see the preview. 1 day befor the actual premier! As I have already mention, the friends that are joining me is Emma, Anna and Racel! The only problem is the stupid age limit on 15 years old. We are only 14! But I think and hope they won't notice...

So... This is how we've scheduled the day:
First we're going to school.
After school we're going home to me to pick up the tickets and drop of my bag. Then we're going home to Emma to drop of her bag and pick up her ticket... and a little money of course!
After the visit at Emmas, we're going back to Annas to eat dinner.
Then when it's time... Annas dad is going to drop us of at the cinema in Vällingby!
We are going to see Twilight first and then, New Moon. It's like a Twiligt+New Moon night! The movie starts around 9.00 pm and ends around 2.00 am! :P
Have a great day! I know I will! ;)
Taylor, Kristen and Robert on the cover of Entertainment
Twilight horoscope!
Check out how your future would be!
I'm an Aries so i have the same horoscope as Kristen Stewart! :D
Witch famous Twilight star do you share future with? ;)

Unfortunetly (as you can see) this is on swedish, but tomorrow I promes to translate it to english!
Lots of love, specially to Taylor! ♥
I've translated it to english:

So, there you have it! :D
Some pic's
Isn't Alex Meraz looking HOT, HOT, HOT!? ;)
♥From the set of New Moon♥
DuWop: Twilight lipvenom
Hey, do you like BLOOD!? hihi, kidding...
But seriously now,
have you heard about the Twilight lipvenom that every unlucky swedish Twi-fan couldn't get there hands on before?
I have! And it's about darn time that we get accses to them! :P
The're not in Swedish stores yet, but you can buy them here! I'm pretty sure it's a Brittish website, so if you want to buy this you have to pay over the internet.
♦Price: £ 14,50♦
I think it's a very cool idea!
A nother New Moon trailer!
This was apparently taken down for a while but here it is again!
I can't belive how many trailer's they have done! ^^
The preview of New Moon, here I come!
We are going to be in Filmstaden (cinema in) Vällingby by 9 pm, and watch Twilight, and then, I don't no... 20(?), 25(?) or maby 30(?) minute after, we're going to watch FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! The Twiligth Saga New Moon! :D The whole event will last for 5 hours (to 2.00 am).
Only the fastest got the tickets and we're four of them! Did you now that in one cinema, the tickets got all sold out in less than a couple of hours.. :P
I'm so exited i'm like counting the minutes already!

My man! ;) ↑